WasteEcoExpo, Moscow exhibition for Waste Management, Environmental Technologies, Ecology and Renewable Energy, will be held at Crocus Expo on September 13th – 15th, 2022.
Visiting hours:
September 13th-14th: 10:00 – 18:00
September 15th: 10:00 – 16:00
Exhibition sections:
Waste Management
- Waste collection
- Waste sorting
- Waste storage
- Waste transfer station
- Waste transportation
- Landfilling
- Equipment for landfills, landfills reclamation
- Sanitation facilities
Green Technology
- Green technology
- Bioenergy
- Zero waste manufacturing
- Improvement of territories
Air, Water & Soil
- Air treatment
- Wastewater treatment
- Sludge management
- Reclamation of contaminated sites
- Aspiration and ventilation systems
Control and monitoring
- Quality control
- Process Automation
- Laboratory, measuring and control equipment
Please contact us to hire a hostess or Russian interpreter for WasteEcoExpo Moscow exhibition.